Market Snapshot 12.13.2021
Created by: Sam Tenney Despite some of the largest inflation increases in decades, the yield curve on long term bonds has flattened, with the 30-year treasury yield

Tis the Season of Giving: Give Efficiently and Avoid Unnecessary Taxes!
By: Jeff Bullock Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we

Market Snapshot 11.15.2021
Created by: Sam Tenney The Federal Reserve “financial stability” biannual report for 2021 outlines markets as likely overvalued compared to cash flows, and notes a

Market Snapshot 11.08.2021
Created by: Sam Tenney The third largest real estate developer in China, Kaisa, has missed a payment on its 2022 bonds, which are currently trading

The Price of Stability vs The Value in Volatility
By: Jeff Bullock Have you ever gone to a go-kart track to race against family or friends? If you’re like me, as you wait in

Market Snapshot 10.18.2021
Created by: Sam Tenney Chinese third quarter economic growth has slowed by a large amount, with this quarters gross domestic product numbers coming in at